Monday, September 26, 2016

While reading The Giver by Lois Lowry, there are many tough questions shard by the main character, Jonas. One such question is the the labeled age.This question makes me wonder about the age. Are the One's, Two's, and ascending numbers the age? It makes me wonder why they treat it like it is some kind of label. There are ceremonies for each number, in which also confuses me.In chapter 2, Jonas and his father discuss about the Ceremonies of 12, and his father explains vividly about his Ceremony and what had happened." 'When I was an Eleven,' his father said now, 'as you are, Jonas, I was very impatient,meriting for the Ceremony of 12. It's a long two days. I remembered that I enjoyed the Ones, as I always do, but that I didn't pay much attention to the other ceremonies, except for my sister's."

While reading The Giver, there are many memory moments, although one introduced memory moment is Jonas' father bathing a new child. Why might this memory be important? This memory may be important because Jonas knows how to bathe the Old, by watching his father bathe a new child. Bathing the Old is somewhat a special thing, considering the fact that the Nakedness is prohibited, but in other words it's bad to see someone else naked, although bathing the Old and the new childs is acceptable. In chapter 4, Jonas is bathing the old with his friend Fiona, when he remembers, "Last night he had watched as his father bathed the new-child. This was much the same: the fragile skin, the soothing water, the gentle motion of his hand, slippery with soap. The relaxed, peaceful smile on the woman's face reminded him of Gabriel being bathed"

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Welcome to my Blog

Hey, it's Jaqlyn, and I'm here to welcome you to my blog. I'm currently in 8th grade and I'm learning new things. This is my academic blog.

I like eating new things, like exotic foods such as fried crickets. In my free time, I like to go out and bike at my nearest park, write stories in my notebook, draw random things, and just check and play games in my phone.My favorite subject in school would have to be Science, because further into science, we dissect living frogs. The goals in my life is to become a Cardiothoracic Surgeon, own a Bentley, live in a decent home with my pets, move my family out of Chicago and somewhere nicer, but long story short I just want to be able to say I made it and actually mean it. 

Thanks for visiting my blog! I'll be back as soon as I can!