Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Gratitude Blog

I am very grateful for my mom, Jamie. She's a single mother and she works her butt off everyday of the week. My mother is the only one who has been through everything for me. My mother knows me from head to toe, inside and out. She's always prioritizing my happiness before her own and I thank her for that. I always irritate the soul out of her but somehow and someway, she always loves me no matter what I do or say. My mother has been through the worst at some points just for me and I am very very thankful. She knows when something is wrong and she comforts me. She encourages me to get better grades in the most irritating ways, but it really helps and I still will always love her. My mother has been my mother and father. Unfortunately, growing up, I didn't always have a Father figure. My mother was both. She's always finding a way to become a Father figure.

I'm thankful for my best friend, Dena Ahmed. We've been best friends for almost 10 years. Dena knows my deepest secrets and I know hers. Whenever I am emotionally feeling down, the first person I go to is Dena. Dena is like family. My grandparents, my aunts and uncles, and even my mother treat her as if she if family, because honestly she is. I always bring Dena to my family parties and she always has a way of making it a blast for me and I am really thankful for that. Dena is my main one for sure. I can always always always count on Dena. Even though I'm 6 inches taller than her, she's kind of like my big sister in a way. Like, she tells me what's right and what's wrong before I take action onto anything. She tells me what could possibly happen if I ever did anything bad. Dena knows me from head to toe, and inside out as well.

I am really blessed for my Grandpa. My Grandpa is the coolest man I've ever met, and I really mean it. He gets really mad easily, but we both laugh it off. My Grandpa has always been there for me no matter what. I can joke around and even play with him. He's the funniest Grandpa ever. Whenever I cry, he finds a way to make me laugh, even if he's the one who made me cry. Something I sort of hate is when he imitates me crying, which makes me not only mad, but I laugh too. The faces he makes when he's trying to make our cousins and I laugh are priceless. My Grandpa drives funny. It makes me smile. My Grandma keeps yelling at him for the way that he drives, though. My Grandpa and I laugh at her. I am very very very very blessed to have him as my Grandpa. He cooks me food and he buys me so much ramen noodles. He buys my Guinea pigs' food, too. My Grandpa can build bedrooms and build doors and even make his own slippers. He knows how to make ice candy and knows how to fix a bike's chain. My Grandpa picks me up from school from the hottest weathers to the coldest. One time, he even picked me up by walking to my school. We walked home together. I am thankful for his voice. He's a great singer. He likes to sing Frank Sinatra and Elvis Presley. Once, I even heard him sing a 21 savage song and it really made me laugh because he was clueless of what the lyrics meant.  I shared a lot of moments with my Grandpa that will forever be in my heart. I am blessed, thankful, and grateful for my Grandpa, Jimmy.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Article of the week Impressions

Today, I have learned many things from our gallery walk that my classmates and I had during class. The first student I encountered was Isaiah. His topic was about scientists discovering a super earth. It peeked my interest because it was cool how the scientists discovered a super earth, Hopefully living things grow on it. The second student I had encountered with was Juan. Juan's topic was about a New Zealand Earthquake. Surprisingly, only 2 people died during the earthquake. In my opinion, New Zealand was somewhat lucky because, like I said, only 2 people died. When I stumbled upon my classmate, Josh, his topic was intriguing to learn more about. Josh's topic was about how the Syrian city, Aleppo, has received text threats from the regime, although Aleppo doesn't trust the regime. It made me wonder. "Why is the regime sending text threats to Aleppo specifically?" Of course, I'd have to research about it on my own time.

When I went to Selena's gallery, she informed me about scientists finding 2,000 new planets. I was very eager to learn more because all in all, 2,000 planets is a lot. I asked myself, "How do scientists just find 2,000 more planets out in the infinite galaxy? It was surprising. I was also very very curious because I imagined life being grown and happening in some of those planets and we may or may not even know about it. Before Selena's gallery, I then visited David's. David's topic was about self defense. I learned that having a gun in your house doubles the chance of homicide and triples the chance of suicide. It shocked me, because the fact of having a gun in your house is supposedly for self defense, then someone ends up either committing a homicide and/or committing suicide rather than self defense. It's shocking how a gun can be used for many things when it's specifically owned for one reason.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

E l e c t i o n R e f l e c t i on

Some of you will be voting in the next election. Are you excited? Why or why not?

I am actually excited. I am excited because I want to be apart of the election. I want to have my opinion shared out, although, it won't really be heard because my vote won't really matter. It's all about the electoral votes. Either way, I want to be given an "I voted" sticker after voting. I am excited because I get to choose and no one has to know. The votes are somewhat private.

What are your thoughts on the election results?

To be honest, I'm triggered. I'm disappointed. Donald Trump as the new president is really shocking. Plus, he's really petty. He lives up to the stereotypes. Trump says that he believes that all mexicans are rapists. I don't think we should have a racist president. I would have voted for Hilary, because she's about woman rights and same sex marriage and etc. Hilary would've made history as being the first female president.

Would you liked to be involved in more politics? if so, how?

I should probably read articles about our politics. Also, I should watch the news more often to keep myself updated. I could be involved clubs in high school, like student body president. It'll feel like I'm the president of the United States. Hopefully I'll be involved in something like that in high school. There is also a debate team. It's possibly related to the government in a way.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Thankful for Vets.

Veterans. We have to be thankful. Thankful for their service. Thankful for sacrifice. Thankful for their contribution Thankful for being nice They have fought for our country They have fought for our rights They have fought for their families Everyday day and night. They left their families temporarily for us They wanted freedom for our country The veterans had sleepless nights They protected our territory We should give thanks to the veterans For the things they have done From fighting with guns and throwing bombs, They know the winner can only be one. It’s United States of America. Thank you, Veterans