I have some goals I'd like to achieve for ELA in the next three quarters. My first goal is to be more on task and involved, other than first quarter. I'd like to focus more and not always have to question what to do after being told. My second goal is to kick up my grades. I'd like to receives 3's and 4's from this class, other than having 3's and 2's. First quarter at the moment I can guarantee that I have 3's and 2's, and unfortunately I don't like having 2's, so I just need to up my game a bit more. My third goal is to be known for something great in ELA. Something great as in "The 8th Grader who had received multiple awards". Now that is something I have to work hard for. I have to actually be more focused and involved my work in order to be known.
How has your writing progressed?
My writing has progressed a lot this quarter. I have been using some of my vocabulary words as my everyday dictionary. I have been very detailed when writing. I've been using what they call 'big words', and 'they' as in the students and teachers. My grammar has been on point, along with my sentences making sense. I make sure that all my sentences go well together and make clear explanation. I capitalize my words, specifically proper nouns. I may have incorrections in this blog, although I will somehow improve by following my goals that I have mentioned earlier.
What strategies have benefited you?
There is one strategy that has mostly helped me throughout the first quarter of ELA, and that is the 5 W's. The 5 W's are Who? What? When? Where? Why? It has helped me with writing, because it's like a writing template. It's perfect for when you are trying to produce a news story. A news story will be asking the following 5 W's, and I'd be able to answer them because the strategy really does support your news story. The strategy doesn't even have to be just used on a news story. You can use it for blogs, and the 5 W's has assisted me with both blogs and news stories. I love using the 5 W's method, because it is very beneficial, easy, and simple.
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