In The Giver, the community from the book is different from the movie. From The Giver in the book version, the community was described differently. Nothing was stated that there was a contraption involving a grass triangle with a water fountain, although in The Giver from the movie version, a grass triangle was shown in the middle of the movie where Jonas, Asher, and Fiona had met up. None of which was mentioned from the book. The book had not explained anything about the grass triangle. The community in the book mentioned that there had been a river bank. " the riverbank and watched, intrigued," (Chapter 1, page 1), although, in the movie, nothing was mentioned about a river. I did not see any rivers or any river banks.
In the movie The Giver, the actor who was assigned as Jonas had not been what I had in mind/what I imagined. In the book of The Giver, the author had stated that Jonas had ‘funny eyes’. “...and he has funny eyes like yours, Jonas!” (Page 20, Chapter 3). This explained how him and Gabriel had the same funny eyes. In the movie, it did not show the ‘funny eyes’ or no similarities, but the marking on the arm had been identical to Jonas’ arm and Gabe’s as well. I imagined Jonas as a young boy with brown hair and blue eyes, in which I had thought the blue eyes identified as ‘funny eyes’.
The ending of The Giver from the movie and from the book was different. In the book, it had mentioned that Jonas had been losing consciousness, “Jonas felt himself losing consciousness and with his whole being willed himself to stay upright atop the sled,” (Chapter 23, page 179). Now, in the movie, it showed that Jonas had only fainted for a while, although got back up and went down a sled. The book did not mentione anything about fainting, then going on a sled. That is how the book and the movie are somewhat different, yet then again somewhat similar. Although, I understood The Giver in the formatting of the book. I understood more because The Giver was originally from the book, and the story of The Giver was explained much more detailed and everything had meaning, as in I was informed about the stirrings and how all the people who had experienced it must have their morning injections. Unlike the movie, the book had background information for everything. In the movie, everything happened so fast and all the information was being thrown at me and the viewers. I suggest you read the book other than watching the movie.

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